Inside Press ID

Inside Press ID

Thursday 24 January 2008

The Product

The ID card we offer looks completely authentic; it will be issued to you with your personal data and your photograph. In addition, it will be recognized as a press ID worldwide. The card will be hand stamped, will have an individual registration number, and will be hand signed by our registrar.

In addition, you will get our Car Sign International Press.

This ID Card was carried by International Journalists that were members of the historical Syndicat Internationale De Journalists (International Union of Journalists) of Geneva, Switzerland. Rumours say that this union was a cover operation of the CIA. We sell it as an historical replica.

If you would be an official Press Correspondent, you would be able to attend many newsworthy events and report on them. With a Press Pass you would never have to pay to enter an exhibition, concert or trade fair worldwide. Did you know that in Press Office lounges at trade fairs and exhibitions, they provide free refreshments and often the use of telephones and faxes to members of the press? No car parking fees or entry queues! You would be a VIP!